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Original Article Current Status of Diabetes Management in Korea Using National Health Insurance Database.
Seok Won Park, Dae Jung Kim, Kyung Wan Min, Sei Hyun Baik, Kyung Mook Choi, Ie Byung Park, Jeong Hyun Park, Hyun Shik Son, Chul Woo Ahn, Jee Young Oh, Juneyoung Lee, Choon Hee Chung, Jaiyong Kim, Hwayoung Kim
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 2007;31(4):362-367
Published online: July 1, 2007
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  • 31 Crossref
  • 0 Scopus
1Department of Internal Medicine, Pochon CHA University.
2Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ajou University School of Medicine.
3Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Eulji University.
4Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University.
5Department of Endocrinology, Gachon University of Science and Medicine, Gil Medical Center.
6Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pusan Paik Hospital, Inje College of Medicine.
7Department of Internal Medicine, The Catholic University.
8Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine.
9Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine.
10Department of Biostatistics, College of Medicine, Korea University.
11Department of Internal Medicine, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University.
12Department of Research, Health Insurance Review Agency.
13Task Force Team for Basic Statistical Study of Diabetes Mellitus of Korean Diabetes Association.
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    Current Status of Diabetes Management in Korea Using National Health Insurance Database.
    Korean Diabetes J. 2007;31(4):362-367.   Published online July 1, 2007
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Park SW, Kim DJ, Min KW, Baik SH, Choi KM, Park IB, Park JH, Son HS, Ahn CW, Oh JY, Lee J, Chung CH, Kim J, Kim H. Current Status of Diabetes Management in Korea Using National Health Insurance Database.. Diabetes Metab J. 2007;31(4):362-367.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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