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Original Article Clinical and Coronary Angiographic Findings of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Noninsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
Bon Jeong Ku, Bong Soo An, Jin Ok Jeong, In Whan Seong, Eun Seok Jeon, Min Ho Shong, Heung Kyu Ro, Young Kun Kim
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 1997;21(3):308-313
Published online: January 1, 2001
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Diabetes mellitus has a major impact on cardiac morbidity and mortality. We analyzed the clinical characteristics and coronary angiographic findings in patients with a coronary artery disease and with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and coronary angiographic findings in 74 patients with noninsulin dependent cliabetes mellitus and in 328 non-diabetic patients who had a coronary insufficiency. RESULTS: Significant coronary occlusions and multiple coronary artery diseases were more common in diabetics than in non-diabetics. The patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus has several limiting factors to perform the successful percutaneous coronary angioplasty, it could be a possible factor for rapid deterioration of coronary insufficiency in patients with diabetes mellitus. Smoking and hypertension significantly increased the incidence of signiftcant coronary occlusions whereas obesity and hypercholesterolemia did not any significant influence on incidence of the significant coronary occlusions. The longer duration of diabetes rnellitus associated with higher incidence of significant coronary occlusions and multiple coronary diseases. CONCLUSION: Significant coronary occlusions and multiple coronary artery diseases were occurred more common in diabetics than in non-diabetics. Coronary angiography should be performed routinely in noninsulin dependent diabetes.

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    Clinical and Coronary Angiographic Findings of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Noninsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
    Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(3):308-313.   Published online January 1, 2001
Related articles
Ku BJ, An BS, Jeong JO, Seong IW, Jeon ES, Shong MH, Ro HK, Kim YK. Clinical and Coronary Angiographic Findings of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Noninsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.. Diabetes Metab J. 1997;21(3):308-313.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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