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Original Article Relationship between Carotid Artery Plaque Measured by Ultrasound and Cerebral infarction in Patients with Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes.
Kil Hong Rhee, Sang In Choi, Seung Ok Lee, Cheol Su Lim, Tae Sun Park, Hong Sun Baek
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 1997;21(4):469-475
Published online: January 1, 2001
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The frequency of cerebral infarction is significantly increased in diabetic patients. Early detection of artherosclerotic lesions will be a useful to predict and delay the occurence of cerebral infarction in diabetic patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between extracranial carotid artery plaque and cerebral infarction in NIDDM patients, who have cerebral infarction or not, using non-invasive B-mode ultrasonography. METHODS: Ultrasound high resolution B-mode imaging of carotid arteries was conducted on cerebral infaretion patients with NIDDM and non cerebral infaretion patients with NIDDM to determine the presence of the carotid artery plaque. RESULTS: The incidence rate of cerebral infarction was increased in relation to extracranial carotid artery plaquie existence. The exeistence of carotid artery plaque was higher in NIDDM patients with cerebral infarction than without cerebral infarction(p<01050). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that development of cerebral infarction in NIDDM patients, who had carotid plaque, was 2.8 fold higher than NIDDM patients who had not carotid plaque(p<0.05), Conclusions: Existence of carotid plaque was closely related to cerebral infarction. Therefore, early detection of extraeranial carotid plaque by B-mode ultrasonography is very useful in predicting cerebral mfarction in NIDDM patients.

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    Relationship between Carotid Artery Plaque Measured by Ultrasound and Cerebral infarction in Patients with Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes.
    Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(4):469-475.   Published online January 1, 2001
Related articles
Rhee KH, Choi SI, Lee SO, Lim CS, Park TS, Baek HS. Relationship between Carotid Artery Plaque Measured by Ultrasound and Cerebral infarction in Patients with Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes.. Diabetes Metab J. 1997;21(4):469-475.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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