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Original Article Plasma leptin Concentrations in Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
Eun Young Oh, Yun Jae Chung, Yoon Ho Choi, Jae Hoon Chung, Yong Ki Min, Myung Shik Lee, Moon Kyu Lee, Kwang Won Kim
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 1998;22(4):531-537
Published online: January 1, 2001
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Obesity is a well-established risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and hyperlipidemia. Leptin, the protein procluct of the ob gene, is increased in obese individuals, suggesting resistance to its effect. We investigated whether the subjects with type 2 diabetes have an altered regulation of serum leptin levels METHODS: 205 Korean type 2 diabetic patients and 174 normal contro1 subjects participated in this study. We evaluated a difference between leptin level of diabetic patients and that of normal controls. In diabetic patients, correlations among plasma leptin concentration and other factors such as serum insulin concentration, percentage body fat, BMI, gender, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and fasting serum glucose level were evaluated. RESULTS: Fasting plasma leptin concentrations were correlated to BMI, percentage body fat, gender and serum insulin concentration. Plasma leptin concentrations are not significantly different in diabetic subjects compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that there was no significant difference in semm leptin level between type 2 diabetic and normal subjects and that body fat, sex, and the fasting insulin level are independently associated with plasma leptin level in type 2 diabetic patients.

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    Plasma leptin Concentrations in Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
    Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(4):531-537.   Published online January 1, 2001
Related articles
Oh EY, Chung YJ, Choi YH, Chung JH, Min YK, Lee MS, Lee MK, Kim KW. Plasma leptin Concentrations in Korean Type 2 Diabetic Patients.. Diabetes Metab J. 1998;22(4):531-537.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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