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Original Article Increased Plasma Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Activities in ob/ob Mice.
Sang Dal Rhee, Young Sil Lee, Hye Sung Lee, Won Hoon Jung, Hyae Gyeong Cheon, Jin Hee Ahn, Sung Su Kim, Sang Gi Paik, Sung Don Yang
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 2005;29(1):22-29
Published online: January 1, 2005
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1Medicinal Science Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejon, Korea.
2Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejon, Korea.
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Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26), a multi-functional glycoprotein, cleaves and inactivates major insulinotropic hormones, such as glucagon-like protein (GLP)-1 and glucose dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide (GIP). METHODS: The plasma DPP IV activities in ob/ob mice were measured at 4, 8 and 13 weeks of age and the correlation between the plasma glucose concentration and DPP IV activity analyzed at 7~9 weeks of age. The glucose lowering effects of P32/98, a DPP IV inhibitor, was assessed with the oral glucose tolerance test. RESULTS: The plasma DPP IV activities in ob/ob mice were higher than those in lean mice. The plasma DPP IV activity was correlated with the plasma glucose concentration both in male and female ob/ob mice. The glucose lowering effect of DPP IV inhibitor was more prominent in ob/ob than in lean mice. CONCLUSION: The plasma DPP IV activities in ob/ob mice were higher than in lean control mice, which may contribute to the higher glucose lowering effect of the DPP IV inhibitor in ob/ob mice

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    Increased Plasma Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Activities in ob/ob Mice.
    Korean Diabetes J. 2005;29(1):22-29.   Published online January 1, 2005
Related articles
Rhee SD, Lee YS, Lee HS, Jung WH, Cheon HG, Ahn JH, Kim SS, Paik SG, Yang SD. Increased Plasma Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Activities in ob/ob Mice.. Diabetes Metab J. 2005;29(1):22-29.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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