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QTc Interval and QT Dispersion Prolongation in NIDDM Patients with Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy.
Yong Kyun Cho, Seung Won Lee, Won Tae Seo, Yoon Sang Choi, Jin Ho Kang, Man Ho Lee, Sang Jong Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1998;22(1):93-102.   Published online January 1, 2001
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It has been reported that QTc interval and QT dispersion prolongation on 12 lead EKG reflects predictability and diagnosis of cardiovascular complications induced by autonomic nervous system abnormalities. We have investigated in NIDDM patients whether severity of cadiovascular autonomic neuropathy(CAN) evaluated by conventional standard cardiovascular autonomic function test is correlated with prolongation of QT, QTc interval and QT dispersion. In addition, whether these prolonagtion can reflect CAN and if any other clinical variables related to pralongatian exist. METHODS: Eighty patients(39 male, 41 female) treated with oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin after diagnosis of NIDDM in our hospital were included in the study. These patients were devided into three groups (Group I, 13 subjects: No CAN, Group II, 20 subjects: Borderline CAN, Group III, 47 subjects: Definite CAN) according to the score of standard catdiovascular autonomic function test(Deep breathing test, Lying to standing test, Heart ration on Valsalva manuever, Postural BP drop test). The measured QT, QTc interval and QT disp rsion of eaeh diabetic group and control group were analyzed. RESULTS: l. Statistically significant prolongation of QT,QTc, QT dispersion was observed in NIDDM tients as compared with those of control group(p=0.015, 0,021, 0.001). 2. Severity of autonomic neuropathy has shown positive correlation with only prolongation of QT dispersion(p<0.05) in three diabetic subgroups. 3. Statistically significant difference was not ob::rved in HbAlc and BMI between each patients groups of NIDDM(p>0.05) but both HbAlc and BMI showed weak positive correlation with prologation of QT dispersion(r=0.262, r=0.267 repectively). CONCLUSION: QTc interval and QT dispersion are considered easily accessible factors to predict and evaluate the degree of cardiovascular autonomic function abnormalities in NIDDM patients, yet further long term follow up and study in large group should be carried out to decide if these factor can predict and reflect severity of cardiovascular abnormalities such as ventricular arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac death. In additian, prolonged QT dispersion has shown weak positive correlation with both HbAlc and BMI and some other influential factors are suggested to play a role in autonomic neuropathy in NIDDM patients.
Relationship between Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy and Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
Jae Chun Lee, Sang Yob Nam, Ji Sung Yoon, Jin Chul Park, Kyu Chang Won, Ihn Ho Cho, Hyoung Woo Lee, Hyun Woo Lee
Korean Diabetes J. 1997;21(1):82-90.   Published online January 1, 2001
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The presence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy may play a permissive role in the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy. But, there is little information regarding the degree of association between the progression of diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Thus, this study defined the relationship between the progression of diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Seventy-nine patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus were separated into 2 groups based on the presence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy. Age, body mass index, duration of illness, plasma creatinine, BUN, fasting plasma glueose, glycated hemoglobin, lipid profile and 24hr urine total protein were not statistically different among the two groups. According to indirect ophthalmoscopy, patients were also classified as having proliferative, non-proliferative or no retinopathy. RESULTS: The results showed a striking relntionship between cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy and proliferative diabetic retinopathy(p<0.01). Corrected QT interval was more prolonged in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients with cnrdiovascular autonomic neuropathy than patients without cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy(p<0.05). In non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, there was no relationship between the prolongation of corrected QT interval and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and there was no significant relationship between each of 5 components of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy test and proliferative diiabetic retinopathy. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the presence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy is strongly associated with proliferative retinopathy in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. But, long-term prospective studies on large cohorts of patients must be done to evaluate if cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy would be a risk factor or a risk indicator of an etiologic process underlying the development of proliferative retinopathy.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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