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Differentiation of Pancreatic beta Cells from Human Pancreatic Duct Cells Derived from a Partial Pancreas Tissue.
Ki Ho Song, Myung Mee Kim, Min Kyung Lee, Gyeong Ryul Ryu, Seung Hyun Ko, Sung Dae Moon, Yu Bae Ahn, Kun Ho Yoon, Bong Yun Cha, Kwang Woo Lee, Ho Young Son, Sung Koo Kang, Hyung Min Chin
Korean Diabetes J. 2007;31(3):236-242.   Published online May 1, 2007
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Despite a recent breakthrough in human islet transplantation for treating diabetes mellitus, the limited availability of insulin-producing tissue is still a major obstacle. This has led to a search for alternative sources of transplantable insulin-producing cells including pancreatic duct cells. We aimed to establish in vitro culture of pancreatic duct cells from a partial pancreas tissue in human, which could be harnessed to differentiate into pancreatic beta cells. METHODS: We isolated pancreatic duct cells from small pieces of pancreas tissue (1~3 g) derived from non-diabetic humans (n = 8) undergoing pancreatic surgery due to cancer. Pancreas tissue was finely minced after injection of collagenase P into the parenchyma. The mince was incubated in a shaking water bath at 37degrees C for 25 min and passed through a 150 micrometer mesh. The released cells were recovered, washed, and plated in a dish containing CMRL culture medium with serum. RESULTS: Isolated pancreatic cells grew in monolayer and became confluent in 1~2 wks showing typical epithelial cobblestone morphology. Immunochemistry demonstrated that ~90% of the cultured cells were cytokeratin7-positive duct cells. To induce beta cell differentiation, the cells were incubated in DMEM/F12 culture medium without serum. In addition, treatment with Matrigel overlay, exendin-4, cholera toxin or forskolin was done. Though beta cell differentiation was found by immunostaining and RT-PCR, the differentiation efficiency was very low. Over-expression of neurogenin-3 by recombinant adenovirus did not increase beta cell differentiation of the cultured duct cells significantly. CONCLUSION: We established in vitro culture of pancreatic duct cells from a partial pancreas tissue in human, which differentiate into pancreatic cells. However, a strategy to optimize beta cell differentiation in this model is needed.


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  • Transdifferentiation of Enteroendocrine K-cells into Insulin-expressing Cells
    Esder Lee, Jun Mo Yu, Min Kyung Lee, Gyeong Ryul Ryu, Seung-Hyun Ko, Yu-Bae Ahn, Sung-Dae Moon, Ki-Ho Song
    Korean Diabetes Journal.2009; 33(6): 475.     CrossRef
Effects of Islet Transplantation on Endogenous beta-cell Regeneration after Partial Pancreatectomy in Rodents.
Hye Seung Jung, You Ran Ahn, Seung Hoon Oh, Jung Hwa Jung, Tae Hyun Kim, You Cheol Hwang, Mira Kang, Yongsuk Bae, Young seok Kim, Jae Hoon Chung, Yong Ki Min, Myung Shik Lee, Moon Kyu Lee, Kwang Won Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 2007;31(2):113-122.   Published online March 1, 2007
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Islet transplantation is one of regimens supplying the deficient insulin in diabetes patients, but the effects of islet grafts on the changes of endogenous beta-cells are not clear. In the present study, we examined the changes of endogenous beta-cell mass after islet transplantation in partially pancreatectomized mice. METHODS: Balb/c mice were 70% pancreatectomized, transplanted with syngeneic islets (group IV), and were compared with pancreatectomized mice treated with insulin (group III) or no insulin (group II). Blood glucose levels and body weight were monitored. Remnant pancreas was obtained at 6 or 10 days after pancreatectomy, and immunohistochemical staining was done for the evaluation of beta-cell mass changes. RESULTS: Hyperglycemia and weight loss were induced after pancreatectomy. After islet transplantation or insulin treatment, blood glucose levels recovered to normal, and body weight started to increase. Plasma insulin levels were higher and beta-cell mass was larger in group IV than in group II (P < 0.05). Especially, the difference of beta-cell mass between them was more evident at 7 days as compared to at 3 day after transplantation. When compared to group III, group IV showed larger individual beta-cell area after 7 days and larger beta-cell mass after 3 days of islet transplantation (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These observations indicate that islet transplantation plays a role in enhancing remnant beta-cell regeneration after partial pancreatectomy in rodents.
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) Expression in the Hypoxic Injury to Pancreatic Beta (MIN6) Cells.
Seung Hyun Ko, Seung Bum Kim, Kyung Ryul Ryu, Ji Won Kim, Yu Bai Ahn, Sung Dae Moon, Sung Rae Kim, Jung Min Lee, Hyuk Snag Kwon, Kun Ho Yoon, Ki Ho Song
Korean Diabetes J. 2006;30(5):336-346.   Published online September 1, 2006
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Islet transplantation is an alternative potential strategy to cure type 1 diabetes mellitus. However, two or more donors are usually needed for one recipient because a substantial part of the graft becomes nonfunctional due to several factors including hypoxia. Though hypoxic exposure of pancreatic beta cells has been reported to induce apoptotic cell death, the molecular processes involved in hypoxia-induced cell death are poorly understood. In type I diabetes, Nitric Oxide (NO) is known as an important cytokine, involved in the pathogenesis of beta cell dysfunction. Pancreatic beta cells are sensitive to the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) when stimulated by TNF-a or IL-1beta. But contribution of iNOS in response to hypoxia is not yet fully understood. METHODS: Mouse insulinoma cells (MIN6) were incubated in an anaerobic chamber (75% N2/15% CO2/5% H2) for up to 12 hours. Cell viability was measured after AO/PI staining. Caspase-3 activation was also determined using Western blot analysis. Nitric Oxide (NO) release into culture medium was measured using a Griess reagent. The expression of iNOS and PDX-1 mRNA and iNOS protein was examined using real time PCR and Western blot analysis. RESULTS: Marked cell death was observed within 6 hours after hypoxic exposure of MIN6 cells (control, < 5%; 2 hr, 11.0+/-7.6%; 6 hr, 46.2+/-12.8%, P < 0.05). Immunoreactivity to activated caspase-3 was observed at 2, 4 and 6 hrs. NO production was increased in a time dependent manner. Expression of iNOS mRNA and protein was significantly increased at 4 and 6 hour after hypoxia. iNOS expression was confirmed by immunostaining. Of note, Pdx-1 mRNA expression was markedly attenuated by hypoxic treatment. Pretreatment with a selective iNOS inhibitor, 1400 W, significantly prevented beta cell death induced by hypoxic injury. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that iNOS-NO play an important role in hypoxic injury to MIN6 cells. Therefore, iNOS-NO might be a potential therapeutic target for improving engraftment of the transplanted islets and suppression of iNOS would be helpful for prevention of beta cells damage to hypoxic injury.
Effective Glycemic Control Achieved by the Transplantation of VEGF-Transfected Islets in STZ-induced Diabetic Mice.
Byung Wan Lee, Hee Young Chae, You Ran Ahn, Seung Hoon Oh, Ji Youn Kim, Yun Jae Chung, Sang Young Kim, Kyun Yung Cho, Jae Hoon Chung, Yong Ki Min, Myung Shik Lee, Moon Kyu Lee, Kwang Won Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 2005;29(4):282-294.   Published online July 1, 2005
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Hypoxic damage is one of the major causes of early islet graft failure, and VEGF is known to play a crucial role in revascularization. We tried to evaluate whether the VEGF transgene in an islet graft can increase islet revascularization and; therefore, increase the survival rate of transplanted islets in order to achieve effective glycemic control in diabetic mice models using a non-viral cationic lipid reagent for gene delivery into non- dividing islet cells. METHODS: Human VEGF165 cDNA was transfected into Balb/c mice islets using Effectene, and the vascular neogenesis and glucose levels examined in the recipient syngeneic Balb/c mice. A minimal number of VEGF-transfected islets(100 IEQ/animal) were transplanted into STZ-induced diabetic mice. The recipient mice were classified into three groups: islet transplantation(IT) without intervention(IT-alone group, n=8), IT with an islets transduced rhoJDK-control vector(IT-rhoJDK group, n=8), and IT with an islets transduced rhoJDK-VEGF vector(IT-rhoJDK-VEGF group, n=8). RESULTS: The transfection efficiency was highest with 4microgram/microliter cDNA and 25microliter Effectene(1: 6 weight ratio), with satisfactory cell viability under these conditions. The overproductions of VEGF mRNA and proteins from the conditioned cells were confirmed. A minimal number of the VEGF-transfected islets(100 IEQ/animal) were transplanted into STZ-induced diabetic mice. The control of hyperglycemia in the IT-alone(0/8) and IT-rhoJDK groups(0/8) failed. However, complete abrogation of hyperglycemia and viable islets, and an increased vascularization of the VEGF-transfected grafts were identified in the renal capsules of the IT-rhoJDK-VEGF group(8/8). CONCLUSION: These studies support the utility of VEGF-transfected islet delivery using a cationic lipid reagent to achieve euglycemia with minimal islets via neovascularization.
The Effect of Step-wised, Controlled Cooling Method for Islet Cryopreservation on the in vivo and in vitro Islet Function.
In Kyung Jeong, Seung Hoon Oh, Byung Joon Kim, Tae Young Yang, Byung Wan Lee, Chang Young Ha, Jung Hyung Noh, Jae Hoon Chung, Young Ki Min, Myung Shik Lee, Moon Kyu Lee, Kwang Won Kim
Korean Diabetes J. 2002;26(1):65-74.   Published online February 1, 2002
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Although islet transplantation has been attempted to reverse the state of diabetes, achieving a critical number of islets and modulating the immune response limit the success ofl islet transplantation. Cryo-preservation of islets offers many important benefits for islet transplantation by collecting islets with a wide variety of HLA phenotypes and islet MHC expression. The aims of this study was to determine the optimal conditions for cryo-preservation by using a controlled cooling method and to evaluate in vitro and in vivo functional properties of the cryo-preserved islets. METHODS: Collagenase-isolated, Ficoll-purified islets were cultured for 48 hours. They were aliquoted into freezing tubes (1000 islets per tube), equilibrated with 2 M dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in three steps, supercooled, nucleated, and controll- cooled at rate of 0.25 degrees C/min to - 40 degrees C prior to storage at - 196 degrees C. Rapid thawing and removal of DMSO with 0.75 M sucrose preceded 48 hour of culture and the morphology, viability, glucose-induced insulin secretion, and in vivo function of rats transplanted with cryopreserved islets was reexamined. RESULTS: 1) Recovery was 90.2+/-0.2%, 85.7+/-0.1% and 81.7+/-0.1% immediately after, 24 hours and 72 hours after thawing respectively. The viability was 60+/-5%, 80+/-5%, 90+/-5% immediately after, 24 hours and 72 hours after thawing respectively. 2) The glucose-stimulated-insulin secretion (GSIS) tended to decrease immediately after thawing, but GSIS increased to the level of pre-cryopreservation 72 hours after thawing. 3) The in dynamic GSIS, the first and the second phase of insulin secretion were well preserved in islets cultured for 72 hours after thawing. 4) The cryopreserved islets were cultured for 3 days and transplanted into renal sub-capsular space of streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. The duration of normoglycemia in the STZ-induced diabetic rats transplanted with cryopreserved islets was significantly longer than that of the fresh islets. CONCLUSION: The optimal condition of cryopreservation using the controlled cooling method was established in rat pancreatic islets. This cryopreservation method can be a feasible approach for human islet transplantation.

Diabetes Metab J : Diabetes & Metabolism Journal
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