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Letter: Prevalence of Depression and Glucose Abnormality in an Urbanizing Rural Population of Bangladesh (Diabetes Metab J 2015;39:218-29)
Tomoyuki Kawada
Diabetes Metab J. 2015;39(6):528-529.   Published online December 11, 2015
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Brief Report
Relationship between Biological Markers, Metabolic Components, Lifestyles, and Impaired Fasting Glucose in Male Workers
Tomoyuki Kawada
Diabetes Metab J. 2015;39(5):434-438.   Published online October 22, 2015
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  • 1 Web of Science
  • 1 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader   

Confirmation regarding the association between impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and biomarkers in addition to metabolic components and lifestyle factors are required in the occupational filed for preventing diabetes mellitus.


The study was performed in working men aged 30 to 60 years old, who were not taking medication for any metabolic diseases. The author measured the serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), uric acid, and plasma fibrinogen as potential biomarkers of IFG.


The mean serum uric acid, log-transformed serum CRP, and plasma fibrinogen levels were higher in the subjects with IFG than in those without IFG. Multivariate analysis revealed significant associations between the presence of IFG and age, log-transformed value of serum CRP, increased waist circumference, hypertension, and hypertriglyceridemia, with odds ratios of 1.1 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08 to 1.1; P<0.001), 1.8 (95% CI, 1.4 to 2.3; P<0.001), 1.3 (95% CI, 1.09 to 1.7; P<0.01), 1.9 (95% CI, 1.6 to 2.3; P<0.001), and 1.3 (95% CI, 1.04 to 1.6; P<0.05), respectively, for the presence of IFG.


Serum CRP, age, and three metabolic components were associated with IFG. In contrast, there were no significant associations between IFG and lifestyle factors, serum uric acid or plasma fibrinogen.


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  • Obesity Mediates the Association between Mediterranean Diet Consumption and Insulin Resistance and Inflammation in US Adults
    Yong-Moon Park, Jiajia Zhang, Susan E Steck, Teresa T Fung, Linda J Hazlett, Kyungdo Han, Seung-Hyun Ko, Anwar T Merchant
    The Journal of Nutrition.2017; 147(4): 563.     CrossRef
Original Article
Factor Structure of Indices of the Second Derivative of the Finger Photoplethysmogram with Metabolic Components and Other Cardiovascular Risk Indicators
Tomoyuki Kawada, Toshiaki Otsuka
Diabetes Metab J. 2013;37(1):40-45.   Published online February 15, 2013
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  • 9 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader   

The second derivative of the finger photoplethysmogram (SDPTG) is an indicator of arterial stiffness. The present study was conducted to clarify the factor structure of indices of the SDPTG in combination with components of the metabolic syndrome (MetS), to elucidate the significance of the SDPTG among various cardiovascular risk factors.


The SDPTG was determined in the second forefinger of the left hand in 1,055 male workers (mean age, 44.2±6.4 years). Among 4 waves of SDPTG components, the ratios of the height of the "a" wave to that of the "b" and "d" waves were expressed as b/a and d/a, and used as SDPTG indices for the analysis.


Principal axis factoring analysis was conducted using age, SDPTG indices, components of MetS, and the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and uric acid. Three factors were extracted, and the SDPTG indices were categorized in combination with age as the third factor. Metabolic components and the SDPTG indices were independently categorized. These three factors explained 44.4% of the total variation. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed age, d/a, serum uric acid, serum CRP, and regular exercise as independent determinants of the risk of MetS. The odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) were 1.08 (1.04 to 1.11), 0.10 (0.01 to 0.73), 1.24 (1.06 to 1.44), 3.59 (2.37 to 5.42), and 0.48 (0.28 to 0.82), respectively.


The SDPTG indices were categorized in combination with age, and they differed in characteristics from components of MetS or inflammatory markers. In addition, this cross-sectional study also revealed decrease of the d/a as a risk factor for the development of MetS.


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    Ahmet Taş, Yaren Alan, Ilke Kara, Abdullah Savas, Muhammed Ikbal Bayhan, Diren Ekici, Zeynep Atay, Fatih Sezer, Cagla Kitapli, Sabahattin Umman, Murat Sezer
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Second Derivative of the Finger Photoplethysmogram Predicts the Risk of Developing Hypertension in Middle-Aged Men
    Toshiaki Otsuka, Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Katsuhito Kato, Eitaro Kodani, Tomoyuki Kawada
    Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Diagnostic Features and Potential Applications of PPG Signal in Healthcare: A Systematic Review
    Malak Abdullah Almarshad, Md Saiful Islam, Saad Al-Ahmadi, Ahmed S. BaHammam
    Healthcare.2022; 10(3): 547.     CrossRef
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    Obesity Reviews.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Jeong-Woo Seo, Jungmi Choi, Kunho Lee, Jaeuk U. Kim
    Sensors.2021; 21(23): 7782.     CrossRef
  • Screening Test on Metabolic Syndrome Using Electro Interstitial Scan Instrument

    Phawit Norchai, Thipaporn Tharavanij, Picha Suwannahitatorn, Thammanard Charernboon
    Medical Devices: Evidence and Research.2020; Volume 13: 237.     CrossRef
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    Noriko Inoue, Hideshi Kawakami, Hideya Yamamoto, Chikako Ito, Saeko Fujiwara, Hideo Sasaki, Yasuki Kihara
    Hypertension Research.2017; 40(2): 207.     CrossRef
  • Photoplethysmogram second derivative review: Analysis and applications
    K Qawqzeh Yousef, Uldis Rubins, Alharbi Mafawez
    Scientific Research and Essays.2015; 10(21): 633.     CrossRef
Letter: Prevalence and Correlates of Disordered Sleep in Southeast Asian Indians with Type 2 Diabetes (Diabetes Metab J 2012;36:70-6)
Tomoyuki Kawada
Diabetes Metab J. 2012;36(4):314-315.   Published online August 20, 2012
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